
Buddhist perspectives on society and culture


Buddhist perspectives on
society and culture

Apramāda Contributors


A Chartered Engineer by background, Achara’s first love is uncovering ‘how things work’. This explains his thrill on discovering the Dharma, becoming especially intrigued by the law of conditioned co-production. He recently founded an agency specialising in obtaining high quality data.


Advayacitta is a retired clinical psychologist. He is the author of  ‘Thinking at the Crossroads – a Buddhist exploration of Western thought’.


Dayavajra has worked in Buddhist run businesses for several decades. Recently he set up a Cafe in Sheffield run by a Buddhist team.


Ratnaguna has been a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order for 45 years. He is a well-known teacher and has written four books – The Art of Reflection, Great Faith Great Wisdom (with Dharmachari Śraddhāpa), Kindfulness (in Spanish, with Dharmachari Dharmakirit), and, under his civil name, Gary Hennessey, The Little Mindfulness Workbook.


Sthirananda is a Taiji and Qigong practitioner and teacher. Also, a keen acoustic guitarist and singer with a love for music of most genres. Recent interests include studio recording, mixing and mastering.


Subhamati has been a member of Triratna Buddhist Order for thirty-one years. He has led a varied career as a university administrator, a language teacher, and a teacher of meditation and Buddhism. He has worked as an editor or co-author (with Dharmachari Subhuti) on several books, including Buddhism and Friendship and Mind in Harmony: the psychology of Buddhist ethics.


Vidyaruchi has been a member of the Triratna Buddhist Order since 2009, from which time until 2013 he was personal assistant to its founder, Urgyen Sangharakshita. Since then he has been a freelance Buddhist. When not engaged in teaching or travelling he mainly lives in a shed in his parents’ garden.


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