Health Psychology

In this short reflection Advayacitta looks at the importance of psychology in caring for people who are physically ill.
The Perils of Projection

In the second of a series of short reflections on his work as a clinical psychologist, Advayacitta considers the process of projection.
What the world most needs: True Individuals

Advayacitta interviews Ratnaguna on the importance of individuality, especially in this moment of political polarisation, identity politics, and intolerance of views other than one’s own.
The Burden of Guilt

In this, the first in a series of short reflections on his work as a clinical psychologist, Advayacitta considers the phenomenon of irrational guilt
Patterns from the Past

Ratnaguna interviews Advayacitta about how recognising and transcending various patterns from the past is an important aspect of psychological and spiritual development.
Spiritual Communities and the World

Ratnaguna explains what a spiritual community is and is not, and makes a case for spiritual communities changing the world for the better.
Politics as Cognitive Anti-Therapy

Advayacitta, a clinical psychologist, explores how political ideologies can undermine psychological functioning, thereby harming individuals and whole societies.
Conformists, Dissenters and Contrarians

Cass Sunstein argues that groups, and society, need dissenters to prevent them from making bad decisions
Buddhism and Psychology

Ratnaguna and Advayacitta discuss aspects of Buddhism and psychological therapy – their similarities and differences. In particular they explore the topic of ‘helpful conversations’.