The Capture of Climate Science
Advayacitta explores the nature of the IPCC and the quality of its reports.
Climate of Fear
Advayacitta begins to explore the history of climate change politics. He investigates the cultural context within which preoccupation with global warming developed. It was a context notable for its intense fear of disasters.
Why I Cooled on Global Warming
In this article Advayacitta describes the process of how he came to alter his opinion about climate change.
Buddhism and Physics, Part Two
In this second article on Buddhism and physics, Advayacitta explores an important parallel between Relativity Theory and the Buddhist doctrine of śunyata.
A Burning House?
In ‘The Burning House’, a Buddhist shares his Dharma insights, promising practical resources for those moved to respond to a perceived climate emergency. This review explores the author’s depiction of the problem, and his solutions.
Buddhism and Physics, Part One
In this article Advayacitta begins to explore interesting parallels between two core Buddhist principles, and modern physics.
Evolution: changing our paradigm
In this interview Silavadin discusses the materialist view of evolution and, following the philosopher Thomas Nagel, proposes a different paradigm: that there is a cosmic predisposition to the formation of life, consciousness and value.